Françoise Rapp

Australia has always held a special place in my heart, symbolizing fascination and inspiration. As a perfumer and essential oils expert, I am constantly embarking on imaginary journeys where the scents of essences from distant lands transport me to new realms of creativity. Among these journeys, Australia stands out as a perfect example, with its untamed wild spaces and sometimes dense wilderness.

Within this captivating country lies a rich and diverse flora, untouched by our industry, waiting to be explored. In this pursuit of exploration, I discovered the Essentially Australia brand, a true champion of natural essences.

Unveiling the Essence of Australia

What truly captivates me about the Essentially Australia brand is its ability to capture the essence of this country and present it to the world. Their collection boasts an impressive array of nearly a dozen species of eucalyptus and myrtles, as well as roses, cypresses, and unique sandalwoods. Additionally, they offer essences extracted from endemic plants, often unknown to us, such as Tasmanian pepper.

These natural essences not only embody the spirit of Australia but also serve as a testament to the unexplored potential of its flora. As a perfumer, the prospect of working with such a diverse range of ingredients fills me with excitement and endless possibilities.

A Passionate Journey of Discovery

One of the reasons I am drawn to collaborate with Essentially Australia is because it is not just a brand but the embodiment of a man’s passion for arboreal medicinal plants. Greg Trevena, the founder, has dedicated his life to studying and carefully exploring the plant wealth of his country.

From the vast deserts of the outback to the lush tropical forests, from the breathtaking alpine regions to the enchanting woodlands, the plant world of the Australian continent is a hidden treasure waiting to be unveiled. Until now, we have only scratched the surface, familiarizing ourselves with iconic species like eucalyptus, macadamia, and tea tree.

Established in 1998 in the Byron Bay region, Greg Trevena began his journey by planting native foods for export. However, his curiosity led him to delve deeper into aromatic plants. He discovered the wonders of lemon myrtle essential oil, using it as a flavoring and a gateway to a new olfactory realm.

Near the Byron Bay region, north of Sydney, Greg meticulously plants, picks, and distills an extensive choice of aromatic plants, transforming them into rare essential oils. This dedication to preserving and showcasing the unique scents of Australia is truly commendable.

Aromatherapeutic Experiences Await

With immense happiness, I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to test and experience the essential oils offered by Essentially Australia. The olfactory and aromatherapeutic journey that awaits me is sure to be filled with wonder, inspiration, and a deeper understanding of the magnificent botanical treasures from the end of the world.



  • Australian Balm Mint Bush – prostanthera melissifolia 

The Australian Balm Mint Bush  scientifically known as prostanthera melissifolia, possesses remarkable qualities indigenous women have used for generations. They would rub the flowers and leaves of this plant onto their skin, not only for its pleasant fragrance but also for its potential benefits.

Biochemical Profile

The essential oil extracted from Australian Balm Mint Bush contains a wide variety of compounds, including alpha-pinene, para cymene, limonene, 1,8 cineole, linalool, terpinene 4-ol, iso-menthone, and piperitone. These compounds contribute to its unique aroma and therapeutic properties.


The aroma of Australian Balm Mint Bush can be described as a refreshing and clean scent reminiscent of both eucalyptus and mint. It carries subtle spicy and mildly minty undertones. Interestingly, as the smell lingers, it becomes a cooling, icy mint fragrance.

Properties and Benefits

Australian Balm Mint Bush is known for its refreshing and energizing properties. One of its key components, 1,8 cineole, positively impacts the respiratory system. When inhaled, it can help promote clearer breathing and relieve certain respiratory conditions.

Furthermore, the aromatic profile of Australian Balm Mint Bush makes it a popular choice in cosmetic and personal care products. Its delightful scent is often incorporated into perfumes, soaps, and lotions, offering a refreshing and uplifting experience.

Overall, the Australian Balm Mint Bush is a versatile plant that not only adds a pleasant fragrance to the body but also holds potential therapeutic benefits for respiratory health. Its refreshing and energizing properties have become a valued ingredient in aromatherapy and skincare.

  • Australian Rosewood – Dysoxylum fraserianum

The Australian Rosewood, also known as Dysoxylum fraserianum, is a unique oil that differentiates itself from the more well-known Brazilian Rosewood. This species is native to Australia and is quite rare in the wild. Due to its scarcity, obtaining permission from the government is necessary to utilize its timber responsibly.

Regarding its biochemical profile, Australian Rosewood contains various valuable compounds. These include beta-elemene, alpha copaene, caryophyllene, 6,9 gauiadiene, ledene, alpha murolene, beta cadinene, and guaiazulene. It is worth noting that guaiazulene is responsible for giving the oil its beautiful blue color.

Regarding aroma, the Australian Rosewood exudes a sweet and woody scent reminiscent of sandalwood. It has a warm and comforting quality, with powdery, balsamic, and even milky notes. The oil delivers slightly leathery and animalistic nuances, creating a sensual scent that evokes olfactory sensations. It is creamy and velvety, lacking the sweet facets of linalool found in the more familiar Rosewood.

Aside from its captivating scent, the Australian Rosewood also possesses relaxing properties. It helps achieve a sense of centering and grounding, allowing individuals to let go of their thoughts and find inner calm.

  • Byron Bay Rose – Leptospermum petersonii CT Geranyl Acetate

The Byron Bay Rose, scientifically known as Leptospermum petersonii CT geranyl acetate, is a delightful surprise that can be likened to a “false friend” to traditional rose varieties like centifolia or damascena. Instead, this essence is more closely related to a lemon tea tree, specifically leptospermum pertersonii.

The fragrance of the Byron Bay Rose is genuinely a pleasant surprise, and it boasts an incredibly complex and rich natural essence. It carries the scent of fresh roses with subtle lime facets and a hint of honeysuckle. This oil is a complex perfume that perfumers can use to create new floral compositions, accentuating its fruity and citrus notes. It is particularly well-suited for cosmetic fragrances, considering the geraniol content and IFRA restrictions.

Looking at its biochemical profile, the Byron Bay Rose contains geranyl acetate, geraniol, gamma-terpinene, terpinolene, trans beta ocimene, linalool, and alpha-pinene. Its calming properties make it suitable for alleviating stress-related symptoms, making it a versatile oil for various applications. Geranyl acetate is a vital molecule for enhancing one’s mood.

  • Lemon Berry – Leptospermum petersonii Variety ‘B’

Lemon Berry, another leptospermum species, offers drastically different properties and aroma than its counterparts. This oil is a specialty of Essentially Australia, pioneered explicitly by them. It is grown and distilled at their Byron hinterland plantation. This oil was discovered when the team searched for rare, native Rose plants and stumbled upon an exceptionally fruity, fresh, sweet, and smooth-scented Lemon Tea Tree (Leptospermum petersonii). The team immediately fell in love with its aroma upon receiving a sample.

An analysis of its biochemical profile reveals the presence of neral, geranial, cis isocitral, trans isocitral, myrcene, limonene, geraniol, citronellal, para cymene, gamma-terpinene, terpinolene, and alpha-thujene. The Lemon Berry oil exudes a powerful, fresh, clean, and lemony scent. However, it has more roundness, softness, and sweetness than a typical lemon aroma.

Its properties are known to balance the nervous system while invigorating the mood. The oil is beneficial for purifying the air and uplifting the ambiance. It has potential applications in cosmetology, although its high citral content may pose challenges due to IFRA restrictions.

  • Rosalina – Melaleuca ericifolia

Rosalina, also called lavender tea tree oil, is a relatively new addition to aromatherapy. It belongs to the same species family as tea tree oil, known as melaleuca. This connection becomes evident when experiencing its scent. Rosalina essential oil possesses the spicy freshness of tea tree oil while incorporating lavender’s sweetness and herbaceous facets. Initially, it opens the lungs with its 1.8 cineole content, but it later develops into a more sweet and floral fragrance, distinguishing itself from the medicinal aroma.

Examining its biochemical profile, we find components such as linalool, 1,8 cineole, alpha-pinene, aromadendrene, alpha-terpineol, and 4-ol terpinene. Rosalina can be used for various symptoms, including respiratory conditions in adults and children, such as winter colds. Additionally, it serves as a sleep aid and helps relieve nervous tension. This versatile oil can alleviate mental burdens held within the body and psyche, rejuvenating one’s vital energy.


A Fragrant Journey with Essentially Australia

Embarking on this fragrant journey has allowed us to explore the diverse range of essential oils Essentially Australia offers. In part two of our journey, we will delve into the world of Australian Myrtle species. From spicy to fruity (Pineapple and Mango) to rose and lemony smells, those are rare and unique! You can also continue this olfactory trip by visiting the Essentially Australia website.

As a perfumer, I am always amazed by the seemingly infinite natural perfumer’s palette. Contrary to the belief that the options are limited, articles like this highlight the continuous discovery of new essential oils. I thank Greg Trevena and his team for their dedication to exploring nature and commercializing these unique oils.

Let us support suppliers who provide high-grade products and embark on adventurous paths that introduce us to new olfactory experiences. Please share this article and visit Greg’s website to spread awareness and appreciation for these remarkable oils. If you want to be trained in essential oils applications or natural perfumery, enroll in our courses to learn how to master natural essences.

Australia essential oils       

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